Signal to Noise

Created 2024

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Signal 2 Noise

In Signal to Noise, the stage becomes a hallucinatory expanse across which lone figures drift, dance, run, spring and crawl, isolated but always joined in the connection of possible and impossible stories. There are dances and confrontations, chance encounters and drunken meanderings, moments of confusion, shared joy, stillness and delirium. AI voices haunt a musical score of filmic atmospheres, slowed classical strings, beats, trumpets and birdsong, looping Etchells’ text of thoughts, speeches, promises, and questions. And in a world that is neither day nor night, the performers become lip-syncers for the stories and emotions of these disembodied never-bodied speakers.


Created as we celebrate our 40th Birthday – a powerful mix of performance magic and off-hand deconstruction, a simple idea taken to its limit that opens a unique space for the thoughts, laughter and reflections of spectators.


Conceived and devised by the company
Director Tim Etchells
Devised and Performed by Robin Arthur, Seke Chimutengwende, Richard Lowdon, Claire Marshall, Cathy Naden and Terry O’Connor
Dramaturgy Tyrone Huggins
Lighting Design Nigel Edwards
Sound Design Tim Etchells & John Avery
Design Richard Lowdon
Production Management Jim Harrison
Touring Technical Manager Alex Fernandes


Co-produced by Athens Epidaurus Festival (GR), HAU, Hebbel Am Ufer, Berlin; Holland Festival, Amsterdam; Kunstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt; PACT Zollverein, Essen and Theatre Garonne, Toulouse.